Brown dog sitting in the grass

Heatstroke in Dogs

Heatstroke in Dogs

We’ve experienced record temperatures in Los Angeles this year. This means that many dogs at are a higher risk for heatstroke. Heatstroke is an emergency situation that can be fatal. A dog’s body isn’t designed to cool down as efficiently as a human’s body. Their body’s are much better at insulating them from the cold than radiating excess heat away. Happily, preventing heatstroke is actually fairly simple! In this article, you will learn about the most common risk factors for heatstroke (including breed, lifestyle, etc). You will also learn about symptoms of heatstroke, along with what to do if you believe your dog is showing symptoms of heatstroke. In the next few minutes, you will learn advice that could save your dog’s life!


Risk Factors



There are certain breeds of dogs that are at increased risk for heatstroke, typically because of their amount of fur, the length of their nose, or their weight. These include:

  • Any dogs that are overweight/obese
  • English Bulldogs
  • Pugs
  • French Bulldogs
  • Boston Terriers
  • Shih Tzus
  • Pekingese
  • Boxers
  • Chows



Dogs are at extreme risk when it’s hot and they have limited access to shade and water. In order for a dog’s cooling mechanisms to work, they need access to a cool and shaded place, along with water to keep their system hydrated. One way a dog radiates heat is through their feat pads, so when they can’t avoid heated ground (such as pavement), it can create a dangerous situation for them.

Certain lifestyle-s put dogs at heightened risk as well, such as dogs who are very active for any reason.



You may very well be aware that it’s dangerous to leave a dog in a hot car. However, what most pet owners don’t know is just how deadly this can be, even with temperatures usually just considered warm, or with windows partially cracked.

On a typical 85-degree day, it will take about ten minutes for the inside of a parked car to heat to 102 degrees. Within a half hour, it can climb to a blistering 120 degrees. And rolling the windows down part way actually doesn’t help much – your car will still essentially function as an oven. It is even dangerous to leave a dog in a car covered by shade during a hot (or warm) day.

Important note: If you ever see a pet (or child) inside an unattended car or vehicle in extreme weather, for any period of time, we urge you to immediately call law enorcement. It is an emergency situation.


Dogs suffering from severe heatstroke usually exhibit obvious symptoms. However, even mind heatstroke is an emergency situation, and you need to pay close attention to your dog for any of the following symptoms if they are at risk biologically or environmentally.

  • Rapid or excessive panting
  • Sticky or goopy saliva
  • Pale or red gums
  • Bright red tongue
  • Dizziness
  • Lethargy
  • Depression
  • Vomiting (especially with blood)
  • Diarrhea
  • Shock
  • Coma

What to do

If you believe your dog could have heatstroke, you need to act quickly. Heatstroke can be fatal in only minutes. You will need to take your dog to see us (or a local veterinarian if you’re traveling), but first, you must take the following steps:

  1. Get your dog out of the hot environment immediately.
  2. Take your dog to a spot that is cool that has access to running water (ideally a tub). A hose works if a tub is impractical. Immediately begin running cool (but not cold!) water over their entire body. Spend extra time at their head and the back of their neck – this is where many large arteries are, so it will help them cool faster. Again, it is crucial that you don’t use cold water, as this can actually make the situation even more dangerous.
  3. If you have put your dog in a bathtub, make sure their head is elevated above the water level at all times. Do not allow water to enter their nose, even when rinsing.
  4. Take your dog’s temperature with a rectal thermometer (if you don’t have one, we recommend buying one now) every five minutes. As soon as your dog’s temperature reaches 103 degrees, you can stop the cooling measures.
  5. Take your dog to a cool, shaded place with drinking water. Allow them to drink as much water as they like. Dry them completely with a clean towel.
  6. Apply a cold pack (such as frozen vegetables) to the top of their head.
  7. Massage your dog’s legs vigorously. This will increase circulation, which decreases the risk of shock.
  8.  Call us (or a local vet if you’re traveling) immediately for further instructions. Even if your dog seems fine, it’s important to realize that heatstroke can often cause dangerous secondary conditions that you can’t see with the naked eye.


Veterinary care

Once at the veterinary hospital, we will begin administering intravenous fluids and electrolytes. Once we believe your dog’s condition to be stable, we will begin checking for secondary conditions. These include brain swelling, clotting problems, blood pressure levels, kidney failure, and neurological issues. If there are signs of a secondary condition, we will immediately act to treat your dog. Remember, with heatstroke, fast action is everything!

Heatstroke is a scary topic. We get that. Every year, so many dogs are lost to it. However, if you follow this guide, take preventative measures, and are quick to take action, you are taking an important step in protecting your beloved companion. Please make sure to bookmark this guide, and share with your friends. And remember, if you ever need us for anything, we are always here for you.

-The Harbor Pines Team


Poodle Puppy dog

Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention

Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Prevention

Keeping up with regular flea, tick, and heartworm prevention can go a long way in protecting your pet’s health! However, it can be difficult to remember every month. It might help to know a little bit more about the benefits of these treatments, how to use them most effectively, and how to establish the routine that will work best for your schedule and budget.

Below, we outline some of the main parasites and infections along with how to prevent and/or treat them. There are many different products on the market, but your vet can help you sort through them to find the best option for your family.



Fleas are pervasive in the environment, fluctuating with the seasons and by geographic area. In areas with cold winters, using flea preventatives might be sufficient during the warmest 6 months of the year. In warmer areas, however, (like Los Angeles) flea prevention is most effective if continued year-round.

Dogs and cats become infected with fleas when they go outside, but they can also bring fleas into the house with them. Therefore, it is important to protect your outdoor animals as well as your indoor animals and to treat both the indoor and outdoor environments in the case of an infestation. If you believe you have a flea infestation, consult your vet and/or an extermination professional about how to safely eliminate them.

To check if your pet has fleas, comb through their hair with a flea comb or a very fine hair comb. You might see fleas, eggs, or dark specks of “flea dirt” (flea excrement). Comb these out of the fur and dunk the comb in soapy water to kill the fleas. Fleas like to hang out around the face and the tail, so you can part the fur in these areas to check for them. Other symptoms that your pet has fleas include scratching, excessive licking, biting or chewing, and head shaking. These symptoms can progress to hair loss and “hot spots,” which might be an indication that your pet has an allergy to fleas that will require further treatment by your veterinarian.

Fleas can leave eggs around your house, in bedding and carpets, and under your furniture. Frequently vacuuming your home and washing your animal’s bedding in hot water can aid in prevention. Make sure not to bathe your dog for a few days after a topical treatment to avoid washing it off.

Prevention and Treatment: Flea treatments come in different forms. Topical treatments can be applied monthly on the skin between the shoulder blades by parting the fur. Oral pills are also available by prescription. Alternatives include sprays, flea collars, dips or rinses, and shampoos. Some treatments that are made for dogs can be toxic to cats, so make sure to read the labels carefully and use a product appropriate for your pet’s age, weight, and species.



Ticks feed on an animal’s blood and can transmit a variety of diseases in their host. Some of the more common tick-borne illnesses include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, and Bartonella (“cat scratch fever”), among others.

There are many different kinds of ticks and diseases that they carry, varying by region and climate. In general, ticks like warm climates and are more prevalent in the warmer months of the year. It is always a good idea to check your pet for ticks after they spend time in an area where ticks are prevalent, such as heavily wooded areas or tall grasses. Removing ticks within the first 24 hours can help reduce the risk of disease transmission.

How to remove ticks:
Some people do not want to touch ticks, in which case you can always bring your pet to the vet to have them removed. However, if you’d like to give it a shot at home, here are some tips:

  1. Use narrow tweezers to slowly pull the tick out by the head, trying not to leave any mouthparts behind.
  2. Kill the tick by submerging it in rubbing alcohol, bleach, or vinegar, or simply cover the tick completely with clear tape. You might want to keep the tick to have it identified in the event that your pet gets sick.
  3. Wash the site with soapy water and then wash your hands.
  4. Monitor the area for signs of infection (redness, swelling, heat, or pain) and call your vet if you are concerned.
  5. If you notice any of the symptoms below over the next several months, bring your pet to your veterinarian.

Signs and symptoms of tick-borne illness include:

  • Fever
  • Lethargy or depression
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Jaundice (yellow skin or yellowish tinge to the whites of the eyes)
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Anemia or pale gums
  • Limping, stiffness, or arthritis
  • Skin rashes, bruising, or clusters of small spots of blood under the skin

Of course, finding ticks on your dog is itself an indication that they could be at risk. The best way to find out if your pet has a tick-borne illness is to get a blood test performed in conjunction with a physical exam by your veterinarian. If left untreated, chronic disease can cause serious complications.

All of this goes for you and your human family members too! Most of the diseases our dogs can get from ticks are diseases humans can get as well. If you and your dog go for a hike in the woods, or if you cuddle up with your pets after they’ve been outside in an area where ticks are prevalent, do a quick scan to make sure no ticks have crawled onto you. Ticks especially like the armpit area, the groin, and behind the ears.

Prevention and Treatment: Many of the treatments for fleas can also treat or prevent ticks, though not all of them. For example, Frontline Plus treats ticks, while Advantage II does not. If your pet tests positive for a tick-borne illness, treatments might include antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and anti-parasitic medications.


Heartworm disease is caused by a parasite in the blood of mosquitos. When the mosquito feeds on your pet’s blood, it deposits larvae called microfilariae into the bloodstream. These larvae develop into the larger worms that lodge in your pet’s heart and blood vessels.

Heartworm disease is a heartbreaking experience to go through with our pets and can be very damaging and fatal. Symptoms include a persistent cough, weight loss and loss of appetite, vomiting, and fatigue after even mild exertion. Heartworm disease, if untreated, can progress to heart failure and eventually death.

The prevalence of heartworm varies by geographic region and increases during the hotter months, but cases have been noted throughout the U.S. The American Heartworm Society recommends continuing heartworm treatment year-round, even during colder months. If you miss more than one or two doses, your pet could become infected. It is a good idea at that point to get your pet tested for Heartworm and then continue your monthly preventative. Conveniently, most heartworm prevention medications also treat other internal parasites like roundworm, hookworm, and whipworm, so your pet will be protected for these as well!

Prevention and Treatment: There are treatments available for heartworm infection in dogs, though difficult and costly. However, there are currently no safe or effective therapies available for treating cats. While heartworm disease can be devastating for your pet, heartworms are easily preventable by keeping up with monthly preventatives such as Heartguard Plus.



In all of these cases, the best treatment is always prevention! Prevention of the parasites is much easier and more affordable than treating the diseases. Work with your vet to determine what combination of treatments will work best for your pet. If looking for low cost alternatives, just check with your vet to make sure that these products will be effective, and use all products as directed.

It can be a lot to remember to do this every month, so consider setting a reminder for yourself on your phone or calendar, and always write down what day you’ve given the treatments. Then congratulate yourself for taking excellent care of your pet! And remember, if you ever need us, we’re only ever a phone call away at (310) 517-1832!


A cat is lying on its side and enjoying sunbathing in the garden

Why Spay/Neuter your pet?

Why Spay/Neuter your pet?

Spaying and neutering are common procedures performed by veterinarians and encouraged or required when adopting from shelters. But what are these procedures and why are they so important? Spaying – a surgery to remove a female animal’s uterus and ovaries, and neutering – a surgery to remove a male animal’s testicles, prevent the animal from reproducing. This can have significant health benefits for the animal and can curb some unwanted behaviors. It’s also the most important way to reduce the pet overpopulation crisis. Below are some of the benefits of spaying and neutering and answers to common owner questions and concerns.


Health benefits

In female dogs and cats, spaying reduces the risk of pyometra (a dangerous infection of the uterus that requires surgery), uterine cancer, and mammary tumors or breast cancer. Neutering males reduces the risk of testicular cancer, perianal tumors, and enlargement of the prostate. For outdoor cats, spaying and neutering can help prevent FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, sometimes called Feline AIDS) and FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), which are spread through contact with other cats, by reducing their fighting and mating behaviors. All of these health benefits will allow your pet to live a longer and healthier life!


Behavioral benefits

Many people choose to spay and neuter their pets to reduce unwanted behaviors. For example, female cats are prone to pacing and yowling when in heat, while intact male cats will roam and urine-mark as a territorial and sexual behavior. Un-neutered dogs and cats are much more likely to be hit by a car or suffer bites from other animals. These behaviors can lead to damage to your home and costly vet visits. By neutering male dogs, you will reduce urine-marking, excessive barking, mounting of other animals, people, or objects, and other aggressive or dominant behaviors that could cause fights with other dogs. Spaying females will prevent the messy heat cycle. Once spayed or neutered, your pets will be less preoccupied with fighting and finding a mate and will tend to be more affectionate and attentive to you. While unwanted behaviors are reduced, your pet will still have the same personality and will remain bonded to you and protective of you and your family. These benefits can be achieved at any life stage, so it’s never too late to spay or neuter!


Pet overpopulation

Millions of dogs and cats are euthanized around the U.S. every year due to overpopulation, overcrowding of shelters, and lack of homes for the animals. This includes puppies, kittens, and perfectly healthy, adoptable animals. Routinely spaying and neutering is not only beneficial to your pet, it is the most effective way to combat the problem of pet overpopulation and reduce homelessness and euthanasia of dogs and cats. While it is tempting to let our pets have their own litters of cute puppies or kittens, this adds to the number of animals needing homes and takes homes away from the millions of animals already living in shelters.


Common concerns

Despite the many benefits of spaying and neutering, many owners are understandably concerned about their pets undergoing these surgeries. Below are answers to some of the most common questions and concerns regarding spaying and neutering.

Doesn’t my pet need those body parts and hormones?

While reproductive hormones are natural and beneficial in many ways, the health and behavioral benefits of spaying and neutering outweigh the costs. For certain breeds, such as Golden Retrievers and large breed dogs, there could be benefits to having the surgery a bit later. Ask your veterinarian when to best spay or neuter your pet, based on their breed and lifestyle, and how to mitigate the risk of unintended breeding in the meantime. If you are not concerned about the behaviors of an intact animal, there is also the option to have a hysterectomy or vasectomy, which leaves the ovaries or testicles intact and will therefore have less of an impact on the animal’s hormones. However, these procedures are much less commonly performed.

My dog/cat should get to have at least one litter first. I don’t want to emasculate my dog/cat.

Our dogs and cats don’t necessarily have the same desires or social expectations that we humans feel, so it’s best not to anthropomorphize too much! By spaying and neutering, you are sparing your pet from a lot of unpleasant experiences – going into heat, being pursued by other animals, getting into fights, and the risk of illnesses and cancers discussed above. It’s a small price to pay, and your pets will be happier and healthier for it!

Sounds expensive!

Spaying and neutering is very routine and a relatively inexpensive surgery. Think of it as an investment! Compared to the cost of raising a litter, pets roaming and getting lost, getting into fights, damage to the furniture from urine-marking, or treating other health issues that result from your pet remaining intact, this one time surgery is much more affordable! In the long run, it will save on your pet’s health care costs. Many areas have local low-cost options as well. Some shelters and non-profits offer lower costs with the help of government subsidies and donations. Make sure to check with your vet to find the best option and to make sure that your pet receives adequate follow-up care.

Will it hurt? I don’t want my pet to go through unnecessary pain.

Spaying and neutering are two of the most common procedures your vet performs. While all surgeries come with some amount of risk, these are definitely safer, more routine surgeries. Your pet will be asleep under general anesthesia throughout the surgery and will not feel anything. Afterwards, you will be sent home with medication to keep your pet comfortable. Remember never to give your pet human medicine without the approval of your veterinarian. Human Advil, for example, is especially toxic for dogs, and Tylenol for cats.

Will my pet gain weight?

The most important thing you can do to keep your pet at a healthy weight is to make sure they get exercise and eat a healthy diet! If your pet is overweight, try reducing their food intake by 20%, and cut down on treats or eliminate human food from their diet. Your vet can help you make a plan for this. Spaying or neutering is not the main factor in your pet’s weight.

Spaying and neutering is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your pet. Make sure to consult with us about any questions or concerns you may have!


Pug in the backyard

Caring for Your New Puppy – The First Steps

Caring for Your New Puppy

The First Steps

Congratulations on your new puppy! Puppies have profound impacts on our health and well-being, and you’re an amazing person for having saved a life. We’d like to give you a guide that explains what steps to take next in an easy and digestible way. You’ll learn how to take proper care of your puppy and prepare them to live respectfully in your home, along with how to cultivate a relationship with your puppy that is both happy and obedient. This will set you up for an incredible and long-lasting experience with your new companion.

Step 1 – A Puppy Exam

After you adopt your new puppy, the first thing to do is to schedule a puppy exam. If you have yet to schedule one, then just give us a call at (310) 517-1832 and we’ll get you all set. Your puppy needs an exam for a few important reasons, and we’ll go over what will be accomplished here:

  1. We need to make sure your puppy doesn’t have any health problems, congenital defects, or other issues that could cause problems down the road, so we’ll perform a thorough examination of all of their major biological systems and functions.
  2. We’ll get started on a proactive preventative health care plan. This will include a vaccination schedule for your new pet, and a parasite prevention plan.
  3. You’ll learn about what diseases are common in puppies and we’ll teach you about what hallmark symptoms to look out for so you can be sure your pup stays in good health.
  4. If your puppy is yet to be spayed or neutered, we can schedule a procedure. Spaying and neutering has extremely powerful health and behavioral benefits – such as lower cancer rates and aggression. It also saves lives – every year, millions of pets are put to sleep because of overcrowding.


Step 2 – Housetraining

Housetraining your puppy can be a bit of work, but once accomplished, it will make for a truly harmonious adaptation into your home. You’ll need to remember to be consistent and patient. Positive reinforcement will be your best ally.

Here are some helpful tips to follow:

  • Make sure to take your puppy’s food away between meals, and keep them on a consistent feeding schedule.
  • Your puppy should be taken out to urinate as soon as you wake up, and right before you go to sleep. In between, try to get close to taking them out in hourly intervals.
  • Give your puppy ample praise (or even a treat) as soon as they go to the bathroom outside.
  • If your puppy has an accident in the house, don’t scold them. Instead, clap really loudly (if you catch them in the act) to alert them, and gently take them outside.
  • If your puppy has an accident and you don’t catch them in the act, don’t scold them. Your puppy won’t be able to put the two actions together, and it will only introduce anxiety in the relationship. Accidents happen, and housetraining takes time.

Step 3 – Obedience

Teaching obedience can save your puppy’s life, and it also provides for a much happier relationship between you and your pet. In fact, deep bonding occurs when you train your puppy.

Important tips: To most effectively train your puppy, practice a few times a day, and keep intervals short (such as 5-10 minutes). Don’t repeat a command if your puppy fails to obey.


  1. Kneel close to your puppy.
  2. Hold a treat to their nose. Slowly lift the treat above them, and allow their head to follow.
  3. Their bottom will naturally begin to lower. Once it hits the floor, immediately reward them with the treat, and ample praise.
  4. Start to pair this action with the “sit” command.


  1. Find a field (or use your backyard), and click a long leash or rope between you and your dog.
  2. Follow them around, but keep a decent distance (such as 20 feet). Use a marker word, such as “yes.” Begin to slowly walk backwards, and say your marker word. Once your puppy notices you, begin encouraging them. Once they reach you, treat them immediately and give them ample praise.
  3. Begin to pair this action with the “come” command.


  1. Put your puppy’s leash on and have them sit beside you.
  2. Wave your hand (make sure it’s flat) in front of them and command “stay.”
  3. Take a couple steps in front of your dog, wait a couple seconds, and step back beside them. Immediately reward and praise if they held their stay.
  4. If they don’t stay, calmly say “oops” and return them to the initial position.

Loose-leash walking

  1. Once your puppy’s leash is on, cheerfully say “let’s go!”
  2. Encourage forward motion by patting one of your legs. When your dog walks closely to your side, reward them with praise and a treat.
  3. Every five or so steps, stop to praise them for being by your side, which is the proper place on a walk.
  4. Once your puppy wanders ahead or falls behind, just stop and let them explore.
  5. As soon as your puppy begins to come back to you, say your praise marker (like “yes”) and treat them as soon as they return to your side.
  6. If your puppy begins to pull, stop immediately. Wait frozen until they return to your side, no matter how long it takes.

We’d advise you to bookmark this guide so you always have it handy. And remember, we’re always here for you and your new puppy whenever you need us!


santa claus toy

Christmas and New Years – Common dangers to pets

The holidays are a time for joy and family – but they also pose some unique dangers to members of our four-legged family! Fortunately, these hazards to your pet’s health can be entirely avoided with a little bit of careful planning. In this article, you will learn about the most common dangers to your pet’s health over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, along with a few helpful tips on how to keep your pets happy and safe over the holidays!



Holly and Mistletoe are very common during the winter holidays, but they are both toxic to pets. Mistletoe can cause gastrointestinal issues and even cardiovascular problems, while holly can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The Christmas tree also has associated dangers – the oils on the tree can be irritating to your pet’s mouth or stomach. We’d recommend making sure your pet can’t access or climb on the tree. This will also eliminate the danger of your pet tipping the tree over. Be sure to pick up any pine needles from the floor – ingesting these can cause punctures in your pet’s intestines. Also, many people are decorating their trees with “flocking” which is an imitation snow product. If your pet ingests this in larger quantities, it can cause serious problems.

Also keep in mind that cats are often attracted to tinsel, which can cause intestinal blockage if ingested. Intestinal blockage is a very serious medical condition that usually requires surgery. Look for signs of chewing on the Christmas tree wiring – chewing on these cords can cause injury to your pet’s mouth.

A few other plants that can be harmful to pets:

  • Poinsettias
  • Amaryllis
  • Daffodils
  • Lillies



New Year’s Eve can cause quite a bit of stress in pets because of the commotion, strangers, and fireworks. It’s important to make simple accommodations for your pet for two reasons. First, it will avoid any unnecessary emotional distress for your loving pet. Second, stress from the night can cause your pet to seek escape. Holidays with fireworks typically cause spikes in run-aways.

There are two important things to do. The first is to set up a “safe room” for your pet whenever there is going to be an abnormal amount of commotion. This room should make sure to block any possible exits, have comfortable bedding set up, and soothing music playing.

The second important thing to do is to make sure your pet’s tags and microchip information are both up to date. Microchipping in particular is important – whenever a runaway is taken into a veterinary facility or animal shelter, the pet is scanned for a microchip. Microchips are much more durable than tags, which often come off after they get lost. If your pet isn’t microchipped yet – no problem! Just give us a call now. It’s fast, painless, and inexpensive. The microchip itself is only about the size of a grain of rice!


Food and Drinks

Alcohol is common around the winter holidays, and alcohol poisoning in pets is actually more common than most people think. Alcohol is toxic to pets – please never give your pet any amount of alcohol. Symptoms of mild alcohol poisoning include involuntary urination or defecation. Severe alcohol poisoning symptoms include slowed breathing or heart rate, depression, and even heart attack. Please make sure that your pet is unable to access alcoholic beverages at any time. Alcohol poisoning is a veterinary emergency.

Make sure that your pet doesn’t have access to fatty foods, poultry bones, or raw bread dough. Fatty foods (such as buttery side dishes, gravy, skin or beef fat) can cause severe gastrointestinal distress in your pet, or even pancreatitis, which can be fatal. Poultry bones are brittle and splinter easily, which can cause severe damage to your pet’s intestines. And raw bread dough contains yeast – when ingested, it will convert sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol in your pet’s stomach. The gas can cause bloating, which is a serious and life threatening condition, requiring immediate veterinary care.


We’ve covered the main dangers to your pet during the holidays, so now you can take a few simple precautions and enjoy the holiday with your two and four legged family members! From all of us here at Harbor Pines, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year’s!

Two cute puppies looking through wooden fence

The Dangers of Table Scraps

The Dangers of Table Scraps

And 6 other Thanksgiving items that can harm your pet.

Thanksgiving is an incredible holiday to share with your friends and family – but it also presents some unique threats to your dog or cat’s health. In this article, we’re going to give you a handy list of foods to avoid feeding your pet. You’ll also learn how these foods affect your pet’s overall health – such as whether the food causes an upset stomach, or something potentially more serious.


Fatty Foods

Foods that are rich and fatty can cause severe gastrointestinal issues in pets such as vomiting, diarrhea, and Pancreatitis. Sadly, we see a marked spike in Pancreatitis cases around Thanksgiving, which is a severe inflammation of the Pancreas. Mild cases cause vomiting and decreased appetite, while severe cases can be fatal.

This is why it’s so important to make sure your pet doesn’t have access to traditional rich or fatty Thanksgiving foods such as poultry skin, buttery side dishes, gravy, or beef fat. On its own, turkey skin is already difficult for pets to digest. But on Thanksgiving, it usually has added oils, butter and spices rubbed in, which makes it even more difficult for your pet’s stomach. If you do decide to feed your pet Turkey, make sure it doesn’t have skin on it, and cut it up into bite-sized pieces. Also, it’s better to feed your pet white meat rather than dark meat – white meat is easier for your pet to digest.



Please do not give your pet bones from Thanksgiving. Bird bones are hollow and break easily. Cooked bird bones are often brittle and can splinter easily, and can get lodged inside your pet’s digestive system, causing severe damage to your pet’s intestines. This can cause infection, intestinal blockage, and even death if not treated appropriately.


Raw Foods

Some pet owners aren’t aware how dangerous raw foods are for pets. Uncooked (or undercooked) poultry can contain the bacteria salmonella. Raw eggs (commonly used in batters) can also contain salmonella. Salmonella poisoning is a serious and potentially fatal condition in dogs or cats, and usually presents with vomiting or bloody diarrhea.


Holiday Plants & Decorations

Some flowers and festive plants are actually very dangerous for dogs or cats to ingest. We’ll give you a list of some of the more common ones below, but the safest route is to simply keep your pets away from all plants and table decorations.

  • Amaryllis
  • Baby’s Breath
  • Sweet William
  • Ferns (some, but not all)
  • Hydrangeas
  • Poinsettias
  • Holly Berries
  • Mistletoe
  • For a full list of plants poisonous to dogs, see the ASPCA’s list here.
  • For a full list of plants poisonous to cats, see the ASPCA’s list here.


Foil and Plastic Wrap

We’d advise you to dispose of these as soon as you’re done using them. There are two risks that aluminum foil and plastic wrap carry. First, your pet will have a chance to lick the fatty substances that the foil or wrap was holding, which can cause the issues we talked about in the Fatty Foods section. Second, and possibly more alarmingly, if your pet manages to swallow the foil or wrap, it can cause intestinal obstruction. This is a very serious and potentially fatal condition, and often requires surgery.


Delicious desserts are everywhere on Thanksgiving (thank goodness!). But pets do not handle sweets well. Chocolate can be very harmful for pets (especially dark or baking chocolate), and the common artificial sweetener xylitol (commonly used in gum or sugar-free baked goods) can be deadly if consumed even in small amounts. Please make sure to keep all sweets out of reach of your pets.

Bread dough

If your dog or cat ingests raw bread dough, the yeast inside it continues to convert the sugars in the dough into carbon dioxide gas and alcohol. This is dangerous for a couple reasons. First, alcohol is toxic to pets. And second, and more seriously, the carbon dioxide gas can cause bloating. Bloating can actually be extremely dangerous in pets – it’s a potentially fatal condition that requires immediate veterinary care.

If your pet does ingest any of these items, please call us right away. We are always here for you. From our family here at Harbor Pines, we wish you and your family an incredible Thanksgiving holiday!

Black Cat sitting on the grass

5 Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

5 Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Halloween is great fun, but unfortunately is a very dangerous time for pets. In this article, you’ll learn about the most common threats to your pet’s health and well-being. You’ll also learn tips on how to avoid those threats so that you can plan a fun, safe, and worry-free holiday for both your two and four-legged family members!


Danger 1 – Candy

Sadly, many dogs and cats are harmed every Halloween because of candy-related incidents. Candy is probably the largest threat to your pet’s well-being on Halloween, as it is commonly left in places where your pet can access it. Make sure that ALL candy is stored in a place that your dog or cat is unable to access, such as a closed cabinet.

Chocolate (especially dark or baking chocolate) is very dangerous to dogs and cats, and can even be lethal. Symptoms of chocolate poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, or seizures. Halloween candy also often contains the artificial sweetener xylitol, which is very dangerous for dogs – even small amounts can cause sudden drops in blood sugar, causing seizures. And while xylitol is yet to be linked to danger in felines, it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Danger 2 – Animal Cruelty

Tragically, there is a spike in animal cruelty cases around Halloween. Vicious Halloween “pranksters” have been known to tease, injure, steal, or even kill pets on Halloween night. Black cats are at especially high risk for these heinous crimes. In fact, many animal shelters refuse to adopt out black cats during October because of this problem.

Please, keep your pets out of the front yard during Halloween. This is incredibly important. Sometimes the danger extends a few days before and after Halloween too. And make sure your dog or cat is microchipped. If they aren’t, call us – it’s quick, painless and affordable.


Danger 3 – The Door

During Halloween night, your pet has a much higher chance of running away than normal occasions. This is because doors are frequently opening, there are numerous strangers around, there is often a lot of noise and commotion, and pets are often highly stressed. All of these factors make it imperative that you take extra precautions to ensure that your pet can’t escape.

Make sure your pet can’t get to the door that’s being opened for trick-or-treaters. You’ll either want to make sure that they’re gated into an area that doesn’t have access to the door, or to even give them a secure room that they’ll feel comfortable in, with no way to escape. Besides, dogs are especially territorial, and even normally kind dogs can growl at trick-or-treaters if they feel strangers are invading their home.


Danger 4 – Costumes

There’s nothing we love more than an adorable pet costume! However, for some pets, it causes a large amount of stress. The ASPCA recommends only putting your pet in a costume if they show no signs of anxiety or discomfort when wearing it. And if you do use a costume for your pet, you’ll need to make absolutely sure that it doesn’t inhibit their breathing, movement or the ability to open or close their mouth. Also, make sure nothing is dangling from the costume – this can often be a choking hazard, as many pets will gnaw at it. And oversized costumes can get caught on various items, which can lead to potentially dangerous situations.


Danger 5 – Decorations and Wires

Jack-O-Lanterns are fun and festive, but they are often knocked over by curious or unsuspecting pets. Alarmingly, this is a fairly easy way to start a fire. Curious kittens are at especially high risk of getting burned by investigating the glowing object. Other wires and decorations can present dangers or even strangling hazards, so make sure that any such object is carefully out of reach of your dog or cat.

From all of us at Harbor Pines Veterinary Center, we wish you and your pets a very happy Halloween! Just make sure to follow these tips, and you’ll have a fun, safe and worry-free time! And as always, know that we’re here if you ever need us or have any questions!


brown cat close up face

Feline Hyperthyroidism – The Basics to Know

Feline Hyperthyroidism

The Basics to Know

Feline hyperthyroidism is a very common health condition in aging cats. Because the thyroid hormone affects nearly every organ in the body, it can have very serious repercussions for untreated felines. In this article, you’ll learn the basics of the disease, along with symptoms to look out for, how it affects your cat’s health, and how it can be treated. By learning this, you’re putting yourself in a fantastic position to be able to look out for your loving companion!


A little background

Thyroid hormones have many essential tasks – such as regulating the body’s metabolic rate, heart and digestive function, muscle control and bone maintenance. Hyperthyroidism arises from an increase in the production of thyroid hormones due to an enlargement of the thyroid gland. This is usually caused by a non-cancerous tumor. When the corresponding excess of thyroid hormones is left untreated, especially for a long period of time, it will wreak havoc on several important systems inside your cat’s body. This is very serious, and can be life threatening.



  • Weight loss
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased urination
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased fecal volume
  • Shortness of breath
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Hyperactivity


Secondary Conditions

Kidney Disease
There is strong evidence to suggest that feline hyperthyroidism leads to a significant increase in risk of kidney disease. Some studies suggest that up to 40% of cats with hyperthyroidism develop kidney disease. Troublingly, hyperthyroidism often masks the development of kidney disease, which can often allow the disease to progress to late stages without the pet owner knowing there was anything wrong.

The kidneys act as a filter for waste in your cat’s bloodstream. As kidney disease progresses, the kidneys progressively lose their ability to filter harmful toxins from the blood into urine. This causes a dangerous accumulation of should-be waste products in your cat’s bloodstream. Kidney failure is a common cause of death in aging felines.
When a cat has both hyperthyroidism and kidney disease, the treatment must be very delicate. This is because hyperthyroidism can actually improve kidney function through increasing blood flow to the kidneys. When hyperthyroidism is treated, the increase in blood flow vanishes, and the cat can suddenly appear to be very sick because the kidney disease is no longer masked. These cats need to be monitored very closely, and require extra cautious care strategies.

Heart Disease
When hyperthyroidism goes untreated for a long time, many cats begin to develop an enlargement of the left heart ventricle. The left heart ventricle is responsible for pumping blood into the circulation system through the aorta. If this is left untreated, it will eventually compromise the normal functioning of the heart. Sadly, this can ultimately progress to heart failure. Heart failure occurs when the heart’s ability to pump blood is compromised. It is always a serious and life threatening situation that requires immediate veterinary care.
Consequently, many cats who are treated for hyperthyroidism also require treatment for the secondary condition of heart disease. There is some very good news though – often times when the hyperthyroidism is treated, the cardiac conditions improve or even resolve completely!



Anti-thyroid drugs do not cure hyperthyroidism, but they can be very useful in controlling the disease. These drugs work by reducing the thyroid hormone output from the thyroid gland. The advantage of going this route is that the medication is typically readily available and relatively inexpensive. However, this is not usually very practical lifelong treatment, as your cat will require multiple doses each day, which can be difficult to stick to with the regularity it requires.

Removal of the thyroid glands is a relatively simple procedure that has a high success rate for curing hyperthyroidism. This can be an attractive course of action, as it eliminates the need for a long-term and intensive medication regiment. However, there may be added risks for older cats with secondary conditions (such as heart or kidney disease), which means this won’t be an appropriate course of action for some felines with hyperthyroidism. The procedure has an inherent risk of damaging the parathyroid glands, which have other crucial functions.

Radioactive Iodine Therapy
When possible, radioactive iodine therapy is quickly becoming the treatment of choice for cats with hyperthyroidism. Radioactive iodine is injected and absorbed into your cat’s bloodstream. This is fantastic, because the iodine is taken in by the thyroid glands but no other bodily tissues. The radiation destroys the defective thyroid tissue without damaging anything else, and most cats return to normal hormone levels within just two weeks of treatment. Radioactive iodine therapy is curative, has no serious side effects, and does not require surgery or anesthesia.
If you notice any symptoms of hyperthyroidism in your cat, or if you have any further questions about the disease and its complications, please contact us at (310) 517-1832. We’re always here for you!


Black dog portrait

Preventing Heat Stroke in your Dog

Preventing Heat Stroke in your Dog

Heat stroke is a life threatening condition that is particularly dangerous for dogs. It is always an emergency. And with this Summer looking especially hot, it’s vitally important to understand how to keep your pup safe in the heat. Fortunately, it’s simple! In this article, you’ll learn the basics of how your dog keeps cool. You’ll learn how heat-stroke affects dogs, signs and symptoms, how to treat it, along with the most commonly dangerous situations. Finally, we’ll teach you easy tips on how to help keep your companion comfortable in the heat!


How a dog keeps cool

Dogs can’t perspire in order to cool themselves like humans do. Dogs mainly rely on panting in order to cool themselves, which allows them to exchange warmer body temperatures with the cooler air outside. However, when the surrounding air is not significantly cooler than their body temperature, their cooling process can’t work. Panting also becomes much less effective when there are high levels of humidity – such as in a parked car. This often leads to a dangerous rise in body temperature, and can trigger heat-stroke.


Heat stroke – the basics

Remember, dogs have much less efficient temperature regulating mechanisms than we do. Heat stroke occurs when these mechanisms are overpowered by the environment. Certain breeds (especially small snouted breeds, like pugs), older dogs, along with pets with medical conditions, are more susceptible. Moderate heat stroke (body temperature of 104-106 degrees) can be treated with prompt veterinary care and first aid. Severe heat stroke (above 106 degrees) is life threatening, and can cause permanent damage to your pet’s vital organs.


Signs and symptoms

  • Rapid panting
  • Bright red tongue
  • Sticky saliva
  • Red or pale gums
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Vomiting (sometimes with blood)
  • Diarrhea
  • Coma


What to do

If your dog is showing any signs of heat stroke, you need to call us immediately – it’s an emergency situation. If immediate veterinary care is unavailable to you for some reason, take the following steps: Immediately remove your dog from the hot area. Lower your dog’s temperature by wetting them with cool water. If it’s a smaller dog, the water should be lukewarm. Increase air movement around them with a fan. Make sure not to use cold water – if you lower your dog’s body temperature too quickly, it can trigger other life-threatening situations. Take your dog’s rectal temperature every 5 minutes. Once they are down to 103 degrees, dry them off, and cover with clean towels so they don’t continue to lose heat. Your dog may be dehydrated, or have other complications, so bring them to us (or a nearby veterinarian) ASAP.


Preventing commonly dangerous situations

  • Even if the windows are rolled down, the car is an extremely dangerous place to leave your pet. Just don’t ever do it. The car essentially acts as an oven, causing temperatures to rise quicker than most realize. Temperatures in a parked car can quickly rise to upwards of 120 degrees.
  • If your pet has breathing problems, obesity, heart disease, or old-age, you need to be sure to keep them with access to a cool, shaded spot with water at all times.
  • Limit exercise on especially hot days – jogging is especially dangerous. Don’t go on hikes with your dog in the heat. Often times pets will try to keep up, and then just collapse from heat stroke.
  • Avoid surfaces like sand/asphalt or concrete – prolonged exposure can quickly cause increases in body temperature.
  • Never muzzle your dog in the heat – you’re taking away their best way of temperature regulation.
  • Always provide access to water.
  • If your dog is outdoors during the day, always provide a shaded area with plenty of water.


Three ways to keep your dog comfortable

  1. Conduction – One way that pets keep cool is by transferring body heat to a cooler surface, especially through the belly. This is why it’s important to provide them with cool surfaces to lay on, such as tiled areas, or a hole in the shade.
  2. Convection – Your dog relies on air movement to speed the loss of heat. This is why dogs love to stick their heads out of the car when you drive. Set up cross breezes for your dog – whether through fans and open doors, or air conditioning.
  3. Evaporation – Humans can perspire in order to be cooled by evaporation, but dogs need a little help. Consider periodically wetting your dog down with a cool, damp towel, or allowing them to go for a (supervised!) swim.



7 Pet Safety Tips for July 4th!

7 Pet Safety Tips for July 4th!

More pets are lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year. Beyond that, it is usually a highly stressful time for our pets, and leaves them severely anxious and afraid because of the noise, commotion, and amount of activity. There are also other common dangers that you should be aware of. We want to help you make this holiday as safe, fun, and worry-free for both you and your pets. In this article, you’ll learn easy tips that you can follow in order to make sure that your pet is happy and safe this holiday!


1 – Sedatives

Pets that get very anxious from the fireworks and commotion can benefit immensely from a prescribed sedative or calming agent – such as Zylkene. Before we can prescribe your pet a sedative though, your pet is required by law to be up to date on their annual exam. If it’s been over a year, just give us a call and we’ll get you in before the 4th! Also, it’s important that you never give your pet anti-anxiety medication or sleep aids that are meant for humans, as this could be incredibly dangerous for your pet.


2 – Microchipping

Your first priority should be making sure that all of your pets are microchipped. If a pet does escape and they are brought to a veterinary facility or animal shelter, the first thing done is microchip scanning. If the pet has a microchip implanted, the owner’s contact information is immediately available to the facility. This is crucial, as a large amount of collars get damaged or lost when a pet escapes, whereas a microchip is a permanent form of identification. It is a quick, inexpensive, and relatively painless procedure. If your pet isn’t microchipped yet, please call us and set up an appointment.


3 – Never use fireworks around pets

Often times, fireworks are curious and interesting to pets when they are lit, before they begin making a lot of noise. If given the opportunity, pets will often investigate, which can cause burns, trauma, and even serious injury if the pet gets too close. Don’t let pets around used fireworks either, as many fireworks use toxic substances and heavy metals in their chemistry.


4 – Setting up a safe environment

Keep your pet at home, and create an escape-proof and relaxing room for them, preferably in a quiet part of the house. If you plan on having guests over, make sure that your pet isn’t able to run out when doors and gates are being opened. In their dedicated room, turn on a familiar television station, or play continuous and soothing classical music to help mask the noise of nearby fireworks. This is very important, because the loud noises will cause your pet to seek safety, and often causes them to desperately try to escape.


5 – Alcohol is toxic to pets

Keep your dog or cat away from alcohol at all times. This includes alcohol-infused dishes, such as rum-soaked cakes or other deserts. The kidneys of pets are not equipped to process alcohol like people can, which means even a small amount can result in a dangerous situation for your pet. Alcohol poisoning in pets can happen quickly, and can result in symptoms ranging from vomiting and diarrhea to coma, kidney or heart failure.


6 – Keep away from table food

Barbecues are very common on July 4th. And while most people enjoy barbecued food immensely, many common foods can be unhealthy or even dangerous for pets. Some common foods to keep away from your pets are:

  • Raw/Undercooked meat
  • Avocado
  • Citrus
  • Chocolate
  • Grapes
  • Raisins
  • Cherries
  • Apple seeds
  • Caffeine
  • Coconut
  • Nuts
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Yeast dough


7 – Substances that are dangerous

There are many common substances and liquids used on the 4th of July that are dangerous to pets. Make sure to keep your pet away from any of the following:

  • Insect Repellant (that isn’t made specifically for pet use)
  • Glow Jewelry
  • Lighter fluid
  • Matches
  • Repellants that contain Citronella (such as oils, candles, and insect coils)

If you have any other questions about how to best enjoy the 4th of July while keeping your pet safe, give us a call or ask us during your next appointment! We’ll talk to you soon!

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